Our Grade 9 Healthy Active Living Education (PPL1O) course begins by discussing the following statement and how it should be the foundation for our understanding of what it means to be healthy:
“We are each fearfully and wonderfully made by God for His glory and purpose.”
This course will also discuss how our choices with our bodies can honour the Lord, and what we need to do to keep it functioning well – physically, emotionally, and mentally – so that we can love and serve God to the fullest!
Course Highlights

Course Breakdown
This course is divided into eight units, connecting a Christ-centred mindset to students’ physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Unit 1 introduces students to the concept that each one of us is created for a purpose. This short unit discusses how our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made for God’s glory and purpose, and discusses how we can use our bodies according to this idea.
In Unit 2 students will learn about the different aspects of fitness and the things they can do to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their body’s physical output. As they progress through the unit, they will assess their own physical health and reflect on the improvements and benefits that they would like to capitalize on through activity. Students will learn about motivation and visualization, including the important topic of where our motivations should come from as followers of Christ.
In Unit 3 students will learn how healthy eating practices are crucial to their lifelong healthy journey. They will learn that the goal of healthy eating is to ensure that they are providing their bodies with the nutrients it needs. Students will put their knowledge to work throughout this unit as they track eating trends, create goals, design plans, and evaluate their approaches to healthy eating.
Unit 4 approaches the topic of Mental Wellness. This unit will have students focus on enhancing their mental well-being by exploring a variety of strategies such as practicing mindfulness, taking time to engage in spiritual disciplines, and participating in mind-body exercises that encourage reflection while engaging with their bodies. Students will learn about what good and poor mental health looks like, as well as how to respond appropriately.
Unit 5 will discuss safety and how to prepare for emergency situations. Students will learn how to calmly respond to situations and when and how to contact emergency services.
In Unit 6 students will focus on participation, movement skill development, activity-specific skill execution, and category-specific games strategies through three different types of games and activities that can be completed independently. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their progress along the way.
Unit 7 features many opportunities to practice the skills used in a range of group activities including dance, soccer, and cricket. Students will learn the history, skills used, and the tactics and strategies that will help them succeed for each type of activity covered. As they move through this unit, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their progress.
In Unit 8 students will explore a variety of topics including substance use and abuse, the skills involved in building healthy relationships, how to safely engage in the online world, and what God has to say about their sexual identity and choices. Students will be encouraged to use God’s Word as their foundation while we explore these complex but important topics.
To learn more about this course, you can view the course outline on our website.