School Manual
The following document is a collection of Christian Virtual School’s policies and procedures for students enrolling in secondary school courses. The document includes our general philosophy, expectations of our students, assessment, and evaluation strategies, as well as information to help students and their families understand the Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements. You can also download this document as a PDF using the link provided.
This manual was last revised on 18/07/2022.
Table of Contents
- Christian Virtual School
- Mission
- Goals & Philosophy
- Integrating a Christ-Centered Worldview
- Prioritizing Academic Rigor
- Encouraging Core Values
- Removing Barriers to Christian Education
- Encouraging Interactions
- Expectations of Students
- Attendance Policy
- Code of Conduct for a Safe School Policy
- Code of Conduct for Acceptable Computer Use Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Hardware and Software Requirements
- Curriculum & Program Planning
- Types of Secondary School Courses
- Programs for Exceptional Students
- Online Courses Available
- Cooperative Education
- Alternative Credit Options
- More Information
- Student Achievement
- Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
- The Achievement Chart
- Reporting Student Achievement
- Methods of Evaluation
- Ontario Student Records (OSRs)
- Contents
- Access
- Transfer
- Ontario Student Transcripts (OSTs)
- Withdrawal from a Course
- Repetition of a Course
- Equivalent Credits
- Diplomas and Certificates
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
- Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)
- Certificate of Accomplishment
- Previous Diploma Requirements
- Supports and Resources
- Guidance and Student Success
- Education and Career/Life Planning
- English Language Learners
- Accommodations
1. Christian Virtual School
We connect learners from all over the world to quality online Christian education. As of the 2022-2023 school year, we currently offer courses in Grades 4 to 11. Our fully online, self-paced courses follow the Ontario curriculum and challenge students to grow both academically and spiritually. As a not-for-profit organization, we are focused on building a supportive community for elementary and secondary learners and families. Our educators are passionate about supporting each student and their individual walks with Christ.
We are an inspected private school granting credits toward the OSSD. Our Ontario Ministry of Education BSID number is 669600. All courses taken through Christian Virtual School are recognized by schools across Ontario and post-secondary institutions around the world.
2. Mission
All Christian Virtual School courses are built with a Christ-centered worldview. This means that, in addition to achieving the Ontario curriculum expectations, students are given the opportunity to make connections between what they are learning and their faith. At Christian Virtual School we take a multi-denominational approach and focus on being inclusive, compassionate, and providing multiple points of view. The emphasis is on teaching students’ skills in critical thinking, information processing, and communication to bring together what they are learning and their own family’s faith to solidify the foundation on which they stand. Students are asked to explore topics and questions outside of the ‘classroom’ by reaching out to their parents, mentors, churches, and role models to start conversations, build relationships, and grow together.
3. Goals & Philosophy
At Christian Virtual School we envision a world where everyone can access quality Christian education. To be a part of accomplishing this, our operations revolve around five priorities.
3.1 Integrating a Christ-Centered Worldview
All content is presented with a Christ-centered worldview that encourages growth spiritually as well as academically. Our administrative and teaching staff welcome prayer, Bible study, and thoughtful discussions as a part of their everyday interactions with students and their families.
At Christian Virtual School we welcome students and families from all denominations to join our education community. Our board members, staff, teachers, and volunteers respect each other’s diverse practices and traditions as well as those of our students and their families. Our love of Christ brings us together as we serve Him with passion and purpose. We aspire to educate younger generations and equip them to live a life of purpose as part of God’s plan.
We believe:
- There is one true and living God, eternally existent in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God alone is Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things.
- Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is God, manifest in the flesh. God redeems all who repent of their sin and trust Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, restoring their relationship with Him.
- All people are made to enjoy a relationship with God, with one another, and with the rest of His Creation. The Holy Spirit enables believers to live a holy life, to witness, and work for the Lord, Jesus Christ.
- The Bible, both Old and New Testaments together, is the authoritative, infallible written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- The Church, the Body of Christ, consists of all followers of Jesus Christ, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages.
3.2 Prioritizing Academic Rigour
All Christian Virtual School courses prioritize academic rigour, focusing on quality of instruction and creating exceptional learning experiences for students. Our courses are written and facilitated by qualified experts in their respective fields. Christian Virtual School is committed to reaching every student that enrolls and helping them achieve success in their secondary school experience.
The teachers at Christian Virtual School emphasize that students need to actively inquire into and make connections between ideas and subject areas. A variety of teaching methods are used including direct instruction via structured lessons and activities, differentiated instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of students, scaffolded instruction to promote greater independence in the learning process, opportunities to collaboratively construct knowledge through discussions and reflection, and personalized and comprehensive assessments.
Christian Virtual School courses are constructed using a backward design approach with the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum expectations as the starting point. The curriculum at Christian Virtual School deals with real-life applications of student learning as much as possible. The curriculum expectations are stated as clear objectives that have been broken down into achievable targets that are transparent to students in each lesson and assessment. We focus on educating the whole student by giving students opportunities to think critically and creatively, solve complex problems, and communicate well.
3.3 Encouraging Core Values
The school culture aims to promote Christian values and encourage students to apply their academic skills to make a positive impact on their communities. Christian Virtual School works to promote and exemplify the following values in all aspects of our school operations.
3.4 Removing Barriers to Christian Education
Christian Virtual School aims to increase global access to Christian education by removing geographic, financial, and physical ability barriers for students and their families. This is a continuous and ongoing process of evaluating our operations, policies, and procedures as well as collaborating with our students and their families to improve our school.
3.5 Encouraging Interactions
In addition to these four priorities, Christian Virtual School encourages interactions between teachers, parents, students, and staff to create an educational community that supports students in their secondary school journey.
4. Expectations of Students
Every student in Ontario is required to remain in secondary school until they reach the age of eighteen or obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Christian Virtual School aims to provide each student with the opportunity during this time to achieve success according to the student’s own interests, abilities, and goals. For our school environment to promote a safe, welcoming atmosphere, and for the success of our students, we do have expectations and requirements regarding behavior, conduct, and attendance that must be followed by our students.
It is the duty and responsibility of the Principal of Christian Virtual School to enforce the consequences when people do not abide by the code of behaviour expected of all people within our online school community.
4.1 Attendance Policy
Regular attendance in any learning environment is vital to school success. Students who do not participate in their online course regularly will diminish their learning experience. It is expected that Christian Virtual School students log in at least once per week unless alternative arrangements have been made. The following processes have been put into place to encourage regular attendance by the student:
- The principal will maintain attendance records to ensure that the minimum attendance requirements are met.
- Due to the continuous entry and exit model of our school, there is no prescribed yearly or even semester-based calendar. It is expected that a typical, online, full-credit course will take approximately 110 hours for the student to complete, but how this is accomplished is up to the student.
- Students who wish to leave a course before completion must communicate their intentions either in writing to the principal or over the phone in the interest of up-to-date record keeping and full disclosure requirement by the Ministry of Education in Ontario before any request can be acted upon.
- To encourage attendance, the principal will work with the curriculum writers, to set manageable assessment and evaluation assignments early in the course, in order to give the student positive feedback and break down any existing technology barriers.
- Students who have not completed their course within 12 months from the day of enrollment in that course will be automatically unenrolled from the course unless they have arranged with Christian Virtual School for an extension to their course.
For further information on the surrounding policies and procedures, students can refer to the full Attendance Policy which is available in their Student Handbook.
4.2 Code of Conduct for a Safe School Policy
Christian Virtual School is committed to providing and maintaining a positive and safe environment in which learning can occur. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, included, and accepted, and actively promote positive behaviours and interactions. Protection of a person’s dignity is critical. The following code of conduct has been put into place to create a safe school:
- All students are expected to treat other students, teachers and administration staff with respect, courtesy and consideration. Unacceptable behaviours will not be tolerated in any of the communication tools provided within the online courses.
- Unacceptable behaviours include, but are not limited to:
- causing harm to another person;
- violent, threatening, harassing, or bullying behaviour;
- discriminatory actions;
- profanity;
- dishonest, illegal, or improper actions;
- willful damage to Christian Virtual School’s property;
- disorderly, immoral, or indecent conduct; and
- theft, including physical and intellectual property.
- Unacceptable behaviours include, but are not limited to:
- Every person has the right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods, and facilities without discrimination.
- Harassment, as with discrimination, is prohibited under the Canadian Human Rights Act and will not be tolerated at Christian Virtual School. Harassment may be physical, verbal, written, or visual and includes the use of the Internet.
- Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
- jokes or hostile comments relating to physical characteristics, ancestry, or age;
- physical or verbal teasing;
- displaying or passing around sexist, racist or derogatory pictures, materials or graffiti;
- intimidation, offensive remarks, belittling and threatening behaviour;
- obscene and/or offensive gestures;
- inquiries or comments about a person’s sexual activities or sexual preferences;
- practical jokes which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, endanger safety, or otherwise affect another negatively;
- derogatory nicknames; and
- unwelcome physical or sexual contact.
- Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
- Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for their teachers, for others, and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when students: come to school ready to learn, show respect for themselves and for those in positions of authority, refrain from any behaviours that may compromise the safety of others, follow the established rules, and take responsibility for their own actions.
Unacceptable behaviours which impair the health and welfare of any student or staff member are not permitted and are to be reported to the Christian Virtual School Principal immediately. The Principal will determine and enforce the consequences for such actions according to the situation.
For further information on the surrounding policies and procedures, students can refer to the full Code of Conduct and Safe School Policy which is available in their Student Handbook.
4.3 Code of Conduct for Acceptable Computer Use
The school reserves the right to monitor all material in user accounts on the file server in order to determine the appropriateness of computer use when a concern has arisen. The following code of conduct has been put into place to ensure proper use of the learning management system:
- The learning management system at Christian Virtual School is intended for educational purposes only. Any use of any tool within a course for any other purpose other than the intended educational purpose is prohibited.
- The inappropriate uses include, but are not limited to:
- criminal, obscene, commercial, or illegal purposes; and
- any actions that constitute unacceptable behaviours according to the Safe School Policy.
- The inappropriate uses include, but are not limited to:
- The security of the online environment is only as effective as the practices of its users.
- Therefore, it is important that students:
- Never reveal the password to their course to any individual, except, in some cases, their parent or guardian.
- Always report to the Principal any email or chat message which causes them concern or any message which requests inappropriate personal information from them.
- Never attempt to access unauthorized material or to impersonate another user. Any attempt to vandalize, harm or destroy data of another user is prohibited. Any attempt to vandalize the data of the course or school is also prohibited.
- Therefore, it is important that students:
- It is important to be aware that activities in an online environment are not private. The school reserves the right to monitor all material that is placed in a user’s account and to remove it if deemed necessary.
- Malicious system network damage, interference or mischief will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
If the system is used inappropriately or in a prohibited manner, the Principal reserves the right to terminate the registration or suspend the user immediately. There is the possibility of further disciplinary action including legal prosecution, if the appropriate laws, regulations, or contracts deem it necessary.
For further information on the surrounding policies and procedures, students can refer to the full Code of Conduct and Safe School Policy which is available in their Student Handbook.
4.4 Academic Integrity Policy
Christian Virtual School is committed to ensuring the integrity and validity of student achievement within our courses by promoting academic honesty among our students. Students are responsible for upholding integrity and will be held accountable for the quality of their work and actions. To uphold this standard, Christian Virtual School has developed an Academic Integrity Policy that covers three unacceptable behaviours:
- Plagiarism
- Academic Dishonesty
- Fraud
A summary of what these three categories entail is included in this document. For further information on the surrounding policies and procedures, students can refer to the full Academic Integrity Policy which is available in their Student Handbook.
4.5 Hardware and Software Requirements
Christian Virtual School courses utilize D2L’s learning management system, Brightspace™. Brightspace is an online platform and requires an internet connection to be accessed. To login and use the platform your browser is required to have JavaScript and cookies enabled.
Some courses may require additional hardware such as a camera, microphone, or speakers.
All final examinations will be proctored by Integrity Advocate. Students will require a device with a camera equipped. Integrity Advocate will operate on the most current operating system and up-to-date browser version. Not all courses have final exams.
Please refer to the specific course outline to determine if any additional software or hardware is required or provided in the course.
5. Curriculum & Program Planning
The Ontario secondary school program is based on a credit system. Full credit courses are 110 hours in length. A credit is granted by the principal on behalf of the Ministry of Education in recognition of the successful completion of the expectations of a 110-hour course that has been developed or approved by the Ministry of Education.
5.1 Types of Secondary School Courses
The curriculum is organized into several types of courses, intended to enable students to choose courses suited to their strengths, interests, and goals.
5.2 Programs for Exceptional Students
5.3 Online Courses Available
Students may register for any course that they have completed the prerequisite for at any time during the calendar year, progress through at their own pace and finish the course at any time up to 12 months from the time of registration.
5.4 Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education programs allow students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement in the community. Christian Virtual School does not currently operate a Cooperative Education program.
5.5 Alternative Credit Options
If students enrolled at Christian Virtual School are seeking alternative credit options for courses not currently offered by Christian Virtual School, the principal can provide suggestions for alternatives including: Virtual High School, the Independent Learning Centre, and continuing education courses for credit.
5.6 More Information
If you are interested in learning more about education in Ontario and at Christian Virtual School, you will find the relevant policies in Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12, Policy and Program Requirements, 2016 (OS) as set out by the Ministry of Education of Ontario to be particularly informative.
In addition, links to all of the appropriate Ontario Curriculum Documents are made available to parents or guardians and students from this document and in the course outlines of each course. They are also available to the public from the Ministry of Education.
6. Student Achievement
Every student attending Christian Virtual School is unique. We believe each student must have the opportunities to achieve success according to their own interests, abilities, and goals. Like the Ministry of Education, we have defined high expectations and standards for graduation, while introducing a range of options that allow students to learn in ways that suit them best and enable them to earn their diplomas. Christian Virtual School’s Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting Policy is based on seven fundamental principles, as outlined in the Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools document.
When these seven principles are fully understood and observed by all teachers, they guide the collection of meaningful information that helps inform instructional decisions, promote student engagement, and improve student learning. At Christian Virtual School, teachers use practices and procedures that:
- are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students;
- support all students, including those with special education needs, those who are learning English, and those who are First Nation, Métis, or Inuit;
- are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students;
- are communicated clearly to students and parents or guardians at the beginning of the school year or course and at other appropriate points throughout the school year or course;
- are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning;
- provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement; and
- develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to access their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning.
6.1 Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
6.2 The Achievement Chart
The achievement chart for each subject matter is included in the curriculum policy document specific to that discipline. The chart provides a reference point for all assessment practice and a framework within which to assess and evaluate student achievement.
The chart is organized into four broad categories:
- knowledge and understanding;
- thinking and inquiry;
- communication; and
- application and making connections.
The names of the categories differ slightly from one discipline to another, reflecting differences in the disciplines.
The achievement chart describes the levels of achievement of the curriculum expectations within each category. The descriptions associated with each level serve as a guide for gathering assessment information, to enable teachers to make consistent judgements about the quality of student work, and to provide clear feedback to students.
The achievement chart provides Christian Virtual School teachers with a provincial standard to use in assessing and evaluating their students’ achievement.
The following table provides a summary description of achievement in each percentage grade range and corresponding level of achievement:
Note: Level 3 (70-79%) is the provincial standard. Teachers and parents can be confident that students who are achieving at level 3 are well prepared for work in the next grade or a subsequent course. A student whose achievement is below 50% at the end of the course will not obtain a credit for the course.
6.3 Reporting Student Achievement
Student achievement is communicated formally to students and parents or guardians by Christian Virtual School’s Secondary School Report Card.

6.4 Methods of Evaluation
Teachers take various considerations into account before deciding the grade to be entered on the report card. Teachers consider all evidence collected from all products submitted or not submitted. Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three difference sources: observations, conversations, and student products. Evaluation is the responsibility of the teacher and does not include the judgement of the student’s peers.
Determining a report card grade involves the teacher’s professional judgement and interpretation of evidence and should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement, with special consideration given to the more recent evidence. The principal works with teachers to ensure common and equitable grading practices that follow Ministry policy. A student’s achievement of the overall curriculum expectations is evaluated in accordance with the achievement chart and is reported as percentage grades.
7. Ontario Student Records (OSRs)
The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is an ongoing official record for a student registered in a school operated by the Ministry of Education. The OSR contains achievement results, an Ontario Student Transcript, report cards and other information relevant to the education of the student. These records are protected by the confidentiality provisions in the Education Act and Freedom of Information legislation in the province of Ontario.
If a student is enrolled in Christian Virtual School as well as another Ontario school, the OSR is held by the school where the student is taking the most credits. Christian Virtual School will not hold the OSR for students who have already graduated from another Ontario secondary school.
7.1 Contents
The Ontario Student Record will contain:
- Form 1A
- A student’s report cards
- A student’s Ontario Student Transcript (OST)
- A documentation file, when required. A documentation file holds classified documents, (e.g. Individual Education Plan, education, psychological, and health assessments, etc.)
- Annual Community Involvement Tracking Booklet
- Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test results
- Additional information identified as being conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student.
Personal information in the OSR is maintained for at least 1 year after use. Report cards and documentation files are maintained for 5 years after use. The OSR and OST folder will be maintained for 55 years after a student retires.
7.2 Access
Students and their parents or guardians (if the student is under age 18) may examine the contents of their Ontario Student Record upon request. Access to the OSR is also granted to the educational personnel at Christian Virtual School, and Ministry of Education staff members, if required.
7.3 Transfer
If a student transfers to another Ontario school, the Ontario Student Record may be transferred from Christian Virtual School to the receiving school. Transfer of the original OSR occurs by courier when Christian Virtual School receives an official written request from the receiving school.
If a student transfers outside Ontario, an exact copy of the OSR is transferred, upon receiving a written request and consent to the transfer. When a student retires, Christian Virtual School may give the parents or guardians a copy of the OSR, if requested.
8. Ontario Student Transcripts (OSTs)
The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is an official document maintained by a student’s school that is a cumulative and continuous record of:
- a student’s successful completion of Grade 9 and 10 courses;
- all student’s attempts, successful and unsuccessful, at completing Grade 11 and 12 courses; and
- the student’s completion of other diploma requirements.
The OST is stored in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR) and retained for 55 years after a student retires from school. It is a record of all secondary school course work and diploma requirements. If the student is currently attending another school – public or private – and is simply taking a single course from Christian Virtual School, then that student’s OST will reside at the school that the student is attending. Where students registered in a publicly funded secondary school earn a credit or credits with Christian Virtual School, the Principal of the publicly funded secondary school is responsible for ensuring that the Christian Virtual School credit is recorded on the student’s OST. Christian Virtual School will automatically forward an official copy of the student’s final report card of the course taken at Christian Virtual School to the student’s school holding the OSR, so that the credit can be added to the OST.
In accordance to The OST Manual 2013, the OST will be issued to students whose OSR is held by Christian Virtual School as required and upon graduation. Students who require a certified copy of their Ontario Student Transcript from Christian Virtual School may contact the administration staff.
8.1 Withdrawal from a Course
- Withdrawals at any time from Grade 9 or 10 courses are not recorded on the OST.
- A withdrawal from a Grade 11 or 12 course after a student has completed at least 60% of their course and the first report card has been issued results in a “W” being entered in the “Credit” column of the OST along with the mark at the time of the withdrawal.
- If there are extraordinary circumstances relating to a student’s withdrawal from a course, an “S” may be entered in the “Note” column on the OST.
8.2 Repetition of a Course
- Only one credit is earned if a course is repeated.
- In Grade 11 and 12, an “R” appears on the student’s OST for the course with the lower final grade.
8.3 Equivalent Credits
Out of province students or transfers from non-inspected private schools may be granted equivalent credits upon the principal’s evaluation of the student’s prior learning. To document this:
- “Equivalent Credits” is entered in the “Course Title” column;
- “PLE” is entered in the “Course Code” column;
- “EQV” is in the “Percentage Grade” column;
- the total number of credits is entered into the “Credit” column; and
- the number of compulsory credits is entered into the “Compulsory” column.
9. Diplomas and Certificates
9.1 Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) requires that a student must earn 30 credits, 18 compulsory and 12 optional, where a credit is defined as a 110-hour course in which the expectations are outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines.
In addition, students must also complete 40 hours of community involvement activities, meet the provincial secondary school literacy requirement, and earn at least two credits through online learning.
The following sections outline these 4 requirements in more depth.
Note: these are the requirements to graduate if you started grade 9 after 1/9/1999. If you started grade 9 before this date, please refer to section 9.4 or reach out directly to the Christian Virtual School principal to determine your graduation requirements.
Further information on these requirements, substitution credits, and prior learning assessments are available in the following sections.
9.2 Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)
The Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) will be granted, on request, to students who are leaving secondary school upon reaching the age of eighteen without having met the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. To be granted an OSSC, a student must have earned a minimum of 14 credits, distributed as follows.
Note: The Christian Virtual School principal, to better serve a student’s educational interest, and in consultation with the parent or guardian, may replace up to three courses with courses meeting the requirement for compulsory credits. Either the principal or the parent or guardian my initiate the process. The total of compulsory and optional credits will still not be less than 14 for granting an OSSC. The substitution will be noted on the OST.
9.3 Certificate of Accomplishment
Students who are leaving secondary school upon reaching the age of eighteen without having met the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or the Ontario Secondary School Certificate may be granted a Certificate of Accomplishment. The Certificate of Accomplishment may be a useful means of recognizing achievement for students who plan to take certain kinds of further training, or who plan to find employment directly after leaving school. The Certificate of Accomplishment is to be accompanied by the student’s Ontario Student Transcript. For students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), a copy of the IEP may be included.
Students who return to school to complete additional credit and non-credit courses (including courses with modified or alternative expectations in special education programs) will have their transcript updated accordingly but will not be issued a new Certificate of Accomplishment. The Ontario Secondary School Diploma or Ontario Secondary School Certificate will be granted when the returning student has fulfilled the appropriate requirements.
9.4 Previous Diploma Requirements
If you initially enrolled in an Ontario high school prior to 1999/2000, you may be eligible to earn the diploma under the previous requirements. Please contact the Christian Virtual School principal or our guidance team to review your transcript and determine the courses you require to earn your secondary school diploma.
10. Supports and Resources
10.1 Guidance and Student Services
Christian Virtual School provides individual student support with respect to education planning, general guidance, course selection, and student success. The CVS guidance team can provide support for students in:
- in academic planning and course selection;
- seeking out special pathways that support their learning styles, interests, and needs;
- planning for post-secondary and target short and long-term goals;
- providing information around all post-secondary pathways and career pathways;
- identifying and providing intervention and support for students at risk of not graduating;
- supporting students in establishing effective study habits and exam preparation; and/or
- coaching in the scholarship application process;
If at any time a student would like support in one of these areas, they are welcome to reach out to Christian Virtual School and speak directly to a member of the guidance team.
10.2 Education and Career/Life Planning
In alignment with the Ontario Ministry of Education, Christian Virtual School shares the same objective, in that students leave secondary school with a clear plan for their initial post-secondary destination, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace. We also feel it is important that students have confidence in their ability to implement, and revise or adapt their plan throughout their lives.
Christian Virtual School is continuously building out supports for students regarding education and career/life planning. Currently, Christian Virtual School provides support and resources to students by:
- providing individual assistance and short-term counseling to students, when requested;
- providing current information on post-secondary programs and admission requirements to all of its college and university bound students;
- communicating directly with Ontario Universities Application Centre and Ontario College Application Service regarding student achievement;
- communicating directly with post-secondary institutions regarding student achievement;
- In addition, our courses are built to:
- support students in identifying their personal interests, strengths, needs, and aspirations;
- encourage students to use this knowledge of themselves to inform their choices of programs and learning opportunities;
- provide students with a range of diverse and engaging learning opportunities, courses, and programs; and
- highlight all post-secondary destinations including apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, and the workplace.
Lastly, for students who are the sole responsibility of Christian Virtual School, we provide access to myBlueprint as a tool to allow students to develop an Individual Pathways Plan and make informed decisions about their future. This tool helps students:
- discover their learning and personality styles, interests, desired knowledge, and motivation factors;
- plan their high school course selections to meet graduation requirements;
- explore post-secondary and career databases;
- record important experiences, activities, achievements, and skills to build resumes and cover letters; and
- learn real world skills that help them set and work towards goals.
It is Christian Virtual School’s desire that, with these supports, students can achieve their personal goals and become confident, successful, and contributing members in their community.
10.3 English Language Learners
Although all our courses are only offered in English at this time, Christian Virtual School welcomes students learning the English language. Students do need to meet a baseline proficiency level to access the content, but Christian Virtual School teachers are responsible for helping students develop their English literacy skills no matter the course they are enrolled in.
Upon enrollment, students are asked if they would like to provide information about their English language background, and this information is used by our teachers to help them adjust their feedback and suggest accommodations within the courses. English language learners are encouraged to reach out to their teacher or the Christian Virtual School administration to talk about the accommodation options in their courses.
In addition, Christian Virtual School provides all of our students access to ReadSpeaker within our courses. This provides support to ELL students by:
- providing a text to speech application that allows students to choose between reading the content and listening to it;
- allowing for adjustable reading speeds to help with comprehension;
- utilizing a built-in translation tool to help students with words they may not be familiar with;
- utilizing a built-in dictionary to help students with words they may not be familiar with; and
- supporting writing by providing word prediction, spell check, dictation options, and text read back within the learning environment.
10.4 Accommodations
Christian Virtual School courses are made to offer flexible, personalized learning experiences. By maintaining an asynchronous model, students can move through their courses at their own pace, ensuring they are able to take the time they need to understand concepts or work with their teacher if they hit roadblocks. Christian Virtual School courses also incorporate choice, allowing students to submit work in a variety of mediums or formats to communicate their ideas.
In addition to the accommodations built into the courses, Christian Virtual School can (and will) implement the accommodations that are listed in a student’s existing Individual Education Plan (IEP). Christian Virtual School will develop a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) for all students who require assessment accommodations. Such accommodations will be applicable to the online learning environment. Common assessment accommodations include providing extra time for tests and exams, scribing, the use of assistive technology and not penalizing for spelling or comparable mechanical errors. If a student does not have an IEP, similar accommodations may still be made in special circumstances but do require documentation from a consulting physician or other qualified professional.
It is a part of our mission to remove barriers to Christian education, and accessibility is at the forefront of this initiative. As we continue to improve our framework, we encourage families to reach out to the Christian Virtual School principal directly about your family’s needs to help us prioritize our development.