“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” Genesis 2:2 (NIV)

Happy New Year from all of us at Christian Virtual School! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to continue to serve our students and their families for yet another year. Looking back, it feels like we’ve only just begun, but CVS has been in operation since 2020 and we are currently in our fourth full school year. We pray as this new year rolls in and we welcome 2024, that while we all make plans, anticipate upcoming birthdays and anniversaries, and fill out our schedules with extra curriculars, that we also take time to rest.

We can often get caught up in ‘the grind,’ keeping ourselves busy and ensuring every moment is accounted for, that we can neglect our body and mind’s need for a break.

Rest is not sleep – that vital function our bodies require to continue doing their job – nor is it laziness – a lack of effort or slacking1. It is a behavior aimed at recovering and recharging physical or mental weariness2.

It can look different from person to person and even from day to day. Rest is allowing ourselves to put our feet up for five minutes while we drink our coffee. Rest is going for a walk around the block in-between meetings. Rest is spending time in Jesus’ presence with no distractions.

Rest is crucial to our well being. So much so that God himself rested after he was done his work (Genesis 2:2). Resting helps prevent injuries, improves overall performance, increases concentration and memory, manages stress levels, lowers blood pressure, and boosts mood – the list of benefits doesn’t even end there! Rest increases creativity, improves productivity, and enhances decision making3. How blessed are we that God calls us to him in order that he may give us rest! (Matthew 28:11).

As we plan out our 2024 calendars, let’s try to prioritize rest, or at least include it where we can. We don’t need to take time off work or miss out on events, but instead can find small ways to incorporate rest into our regular days: listen to music, do some simple stretches, go for a leisurely walk, read a book, spend time in prayer, the list just goes on!

How will you incorporate rest this year?