Christian Virtual School staff are excited to welcome prospective students and their families to our Virtual Open House on August 2, 2023 at 7:00PM (EST). CVS is an online private school offering quality Christian education for students beginning in Grades 4 through to Grade 12.

At our Virtual Open House our administrative staff will be there to welcome students, provide a brief presentation, and to answer any questions you may have. The presentation will cover all aspects of what it means to be a student at Christian Virtual School.

During the Open House, we will outline several social opportunities that we offer at CVS to keep students and their peers connected. Our Head of Guidance will discuss the many offerings of the guidance department and how can you connect with the guidance team each week, if needed. Students will be shown how we encourage daily physical activity and how to schedule a balanced school day. Finally, we will offer a virtual “classroom” tour led by our Head of Administration, Hannah. This tour will give students a chance to take a look at our learning platform, a couple of our course offerings, check out our Bible Study, etc. We want you to feel fully informed and are happy to answer any questions you have throughout the presentation or after!

The CVS Virtual Open House is a great opportunity for students and their families to hear about everything we have to offer. Join us August 2, 2023 at 7:00PM (EST). Register below!