Here at Christian Virtual School, we are thrilled to be able to offer quality online Christian education for both elementary and secondary students. As of Sep

tember 2023, we will be offering courses from Grades 4 through 12!

Our fully online, self-paced courses follow the Ontario curriculum and challenge students to grow both academically and spiritually. Students are given 12 months from their date of enrollment to complete their courses, giving them the freedom to work at their own pace, at a schedule that is going to work best for them. Our secondary students can earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma at Christian Virtual School and our course offerings can be found here.

We strive to maintain continuity, familiarity, and engagement in our learning environment to ensure that the emphasis is placed on learning the material, not on how to navigate the online tools. We provide everything a student requires to be successful in their courses. Students are also connected with an Ontario Certified Teacher for each course they are registered in. Teachers are available to answer questions, provide guidance and feedback, mark assignments, and issue report cards.

That’s all great, but how do you get started, you ask? Great question! In this blog, we’ll outline a few of the steps you can take before becoming a student here at Christian Virtual School.

Book a Tour

Would you like a closer look inside the school? Our team is happy to book a virtual tour with you. These tours are held over Zoom with our Head of Administration, Hannah Kwasniewski. She walks you through the school, explains how to navigate the learning environment, use the tools available, and how to complete courses (right down to submitting assignments and chatting with teachers!)

These tours are a great chance to get an inside look at the school and experience firsthand what CVS students do on a daily basis. It’s also a great time to ask all your questions about how it works! Book your tour online here.

Book a Guidance Conference

Okay, so now you’ve gone on a tour and know what to expect as a student at CVS, but maybe you still have questions. You might be wondering about course selection, grade placement, OSSD requirements, time-management strategies, etc. Our Guidance Team is here to help! Prospective (and current) students, along with their families, are welcome to arrange a time to meet with Guidance to discuss any questions or concerns.

Our Head of Guidance, Jenna Drennan, is happy to chat with you either over the phone or via Zoom. Her objective is to answer any questions, alleviate stress, and help students feel prepared for their upcoming courses, and the new school year. You can contact to set up a meeting and get your questions answered.


When you’re ready to take the plunge, enrolling at CVS is as easy as navigating to our registration page, filling out the forms, and following the prompts. Once completed, you will receive a couple of emails depending on the options you’ve chosen.

Are you pre-registering for the fall? Expect us to follow up in the next couple of weeks with everything you need to know and what you can do to prepare.

Registering for immediate enrollment? You’ll be enrolled in your selected courses within 1 business day and can get working on the course(s) right away.

Psst! If you register as a full-time student before May 31, 2023, use the coupon code CVSEARLYBIRD at checkout to receive $100 off the total full-time tuition.

Orientation Session

Awesome – you’ve made it through the tour, you’ve chatted with our Guidance Team, and now you are pre-registered for the fall! Look forward to an orientation session mid-to-late August where the whole team will meet with our new students and provide information on getting started. The orientation is a great session to get to know your fellow schoolmates as well. We’ll make sure to cover many important topics, such as, who you should talk to about specific questions, online learning tips, school conduct, and more!

We can’t wait to answer your questions and are so excited to have you join us!

Are you still interested in learning more? Check out our Open House on May 24, 2023, at 7:00pm EST. Register here: